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Things that make for good Saturday morning exploring:

1) A bangin’ partner in crime

2) A general plan. This does not have to include any specifics i.e. address of brunch place i.e. planned map of activities. But it’s always nice to have an area in mind.

3) A sense of humor and some confidence. You might have to ask to share a table with three random people. It’ll be cool. Don’t sweat it.

4) Your phone. Because there’s inevitably going to be a need for last minute Yelp searches and directions to the nearest T stop.

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Things that make for not so good Saturday morning exploring:

1) Cold weather. And wind. And frozen hands and toes and a “feels like” of 2 degrees. Yeah. That just about sums it up.

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So even though the air was frigid and the snow was piled higher than us and we had to wait to sit and eat our brunch, this morning was pretty swell. Elizabeth and I set out for adventure and I’d like to think we found it, too (with a little help). We had lovely coffee and noms at Render, which we chose for it’s reviews but, let’s be real, who can resist a trendy coffee bar with a chalk menu and a barista simultaneously taking your order and making pour over?

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Case in point.

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Stylish neighborhoods breed stylish debris. Also, I’m sure you thought you were really punny Jenn. And you were. I guess James just doesn’t get it… sigh.

Processed with VSCOcam with c2 presetSo for some final thoughts, the orange line is weird, man. There’s a lot of wood paneling. And it smells a funky. But the Mass Ave stop is real nice, all out in the open air with snow making this soft blanket everywhere and some pretty shadows. I’d go back.

Graffiti to take us out.


  1. the short for Olivia..anyway..I once was in the family by marriage and have kept in contact with Bryan..he’s a dear friend to me..and he told me you write a blog so here I am and enjoyed so I am a follower..i too write a blog…Taytaysfancypantsgiftemporium word press..I’ll be looking forward to reading of your safe and Live life and all it has to offer…Deb-ER -K…Screamin’Peacock


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