
Drinking cappuccinos on rainy days…

… and laaahttes on sunny ones.

Cleaning and packing and listening to my Discover Weekly playlist on Spotify, which is awesome. Taking walks and taking runs and taking zumba classes. Finding softer music on rotation. Sleeping well and waking happily.

Travel || Washington D.C.

Last Sunday Mike and I drove to D.C. so I could put in a visa application for my semester in Spain (!). We were in the city for less than 48 hours but managed to fit in some delicious meals, crazy long walks, and aggressive museum going. I haven’t been in more than 10 years and  it was extra special to spend some brief vacation time with him.

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Processed with VSCOcam with c2 preset

Day 1: Rooftop view + dinner at Sprig and Sprout. I wanted to see the monuments so we walked down through Georgetown to the Lincoln and WWII memorials, crowded but worth it.

Day 2: A cupcake for breakfast at Baked & Wired (I’m still dreaming of that thing, I swear) and fresh-made guacamole for lunch at Oyamel. We visited the Freer + the National Museum of African Art  + the National Gallery, a collectively spectacular experience. I particularly enjoyed this photography exhibition & the sculpture garden. We took a long walk back and ogled the embassies along the way, lots of which were gorgeous.

Overall, a super fun and active trip. I’m happy to keep traveling over the next few weeks and excited to leave for Spain in a little more than a month.